Hermitage Fund
One of TOC's important responsibilities is providing materially for our teacher, Ven. Sogan Rinpoche.
We offer material and financial support because according to custom the lama lives by donation alone, giving us the opportunity to show our respect and appreciation for the precious teachings he imparts.
If you wish to make a tax deductible contribution to the TOC Hermitage Fund and help ensure that Rinpoche can continue his tireless, compassionate activities on behalf of all beings, you can use the PayPal buttons below and select "HermitageFund" from the dropdown menu.
Click HERE to learn more about the Hermitage Fund.
If you wish to send a check or have any questions, please contact us.
Supporting Tupten Osel Choling
Your gift is tax deductible – TOC is a 501(c)(3) organizationContribute online or by mail
You can click the PayPal button under the ONE-TIME or RECURRING GIFT (you don't need a PayPal account) section at the bottom of the page to securely and easily send a tax deductible contribution.
After clicking Donate you can select how you'd like your donation directed:
  • New meditation room
  • Retreat
  • Hermitage Fund
  • Teaching Gift (Sogan Rinpoche)
  • Translation Gift
  • Where Most Needed


Click the Donate button and then select where you would like your donation directed


If you encounter any issues making a donation please click HERE to donate directly with PayPal and provide how you'd like your one-time donation directed using the note field

Prefer to send a check?
Make your check out to Tupten Osel Choling and note how you'd like your donation directed:
  • New meditation room
  • Retreat
  • Hermitage Fund
  • Teaching Gift (Sogan Rinpoche)
  • Translation Gift
  • Where Most Needed
For the mailing address, please contact us.  The link will open our contact page with our email address.  Email us for our address to mail your donations.  
Whether you donate online or by mail, our 501(c)(3) status ensures that the gift is tax deductible.